We Already Curated Quality Devices For You.
Leverage our relationships with top manufacturers and get quality devices at cost-effective prices. Without all the hassle. These high-quality devices are compatible with any Android application, allowing you to launch your products quickly and efficiently.

Quality Devices
Our devices have rugged designs, extended battery life, and a 5-year guarantee. We design with quality and enterprise needs in mind.
Curated Catalog
Our global team of experts has sourced an extensive library of the best devices on the market today, and by representing many clients at once we get them at cost-effective prices.
Flexible Options
Find your fit with our range of devices—from phones to tablets, watches, and cameras. All are easy to adapt to your needs, and available quickly.
Mason Devices. Ready to go.
Our range of curated devices ensures you are getting quality devices at cost-effective prices without the need to source and qualify vendors. We already did it for you. Here are some of our most popular devices.
The Possibilities Are Endless